Nurturing, supporting and caring…

Understanding, protecting and sharing…

Let us all be mothers today in some small way.

Nurture a seedling in the soil, support a cause of social justice, care enough to be an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on.

Understand another’s point of view, protect this earth that we grace each day, and all it’s plants, animals and living beings.

Share your story, share your good fortune, share your time and abundance with those in need.

Children or no, let us all be mothers today and every day…

Let us embrace the feminine divine in each of us…let us share those mothering ways with the world around us in so much need…

Let us lead by example, show the way, and begin to heal the world.

Today and every day let us all remember to “mother”…ourselves, each other, this Earth and all living things.

Let us join hands in the strength and love of caring…

May we recognize that encircled hands ripple out and stretch around the world, they travel, they heal, they lighten, they lift…

They begin and end in our own homes, our own hearts, our own moments of daily living…of daily mothering.

Happy Mother’s Day to ALL!

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